Connaitre Dieu
Connaitre Dieu est une route où l’on ne peut s’asseoir, une route de montagne où le promeneur est toujours avide de savoir ce qui se cache derrière le prochain virage.…
Connaitre Dieu est une route où l’on ne peut s’asseoir, une route de montagne où le promeneur est toujours avide de savoir ce qui se cache derrière le prochain virage.…
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Un logiciel nommé AMOUR CLIENT : Allo ? Le service Clientèle ? EMPLOYÉ : Oui, bonjour ! Que puis-je faire pour vous ? C : En révisant mon système, j’ai…
The resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our faith in the resurrection of our bodies. Often we hear the suggestion that our bodies are the prisons of our souls…
The resurrection of Jesus was a hidden event. Jesus didn’t rise from the grave to baffle his opponents, to make a victory statement, or to prove to those who crucified…
Waiting for Christ’s second coming and waiting for the resurrection are one and the same. The second coming is the coming of the risen Christ, raising our mortal bodies with…
If we do not wait patiently in expectation for God’s coming in glory, we start wandering around, going from one little sensation to another. Our lives get stuffed with newspaper…
Waiting patiently in expectation does not necessarily get easier as we become older. On the contrary, as we grow in age we are tempted to settle down in a routine…
Waiting patiently for God always includes joyful expectation. Without expectation our waiting can get bogged down in the present. When we wait in expectation our whole beings are open to…
How do we wait for God? We wait with patience. But patience does not mean passivity. Waiting patiently is not like waiting for the bus to come, the rain to…