The Most Human and Most Divine Gesture
The two disciples whom Jesus joined on the road to Emmaus recognised him in the breaking of the bread. What is a more common, ordinary gesture than breaking bread? It…
The two disciples whom Jesus joined on the road to Emmaus recognised him in the breaking of the bread. What is a more common, ordinary gesture than breaking bread? It…
Baptism opens the door to the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the sacrament through which Jesus enters into an intimate, permanent communion with us. It is the sacrament of the table.…
Baptism as a way to the freedom of the children of God and as a way to a life in community calls for a personal commitment. There is nothing magical…
Baptism is a rite of passage. The Jewish people passed through the Red Sea to the Promised Land in the great exodus. Jesus himself wanted to make this exodus by…
How do we live in creation? Do we relate to it as a place full of « things » we can use for whatever need we want to fulfill and whatever goal…
When God took on flesh in Jesus Christ, the uncreated and the created, the eternal and the temporal, the divine and the human became united. This unity meant that all…
The words of Jesus can keep us erect and confident in the midst of the turmoil of the end-time. They can support us, encourage us, and give us life even…
In a world so full of social and political turmoil and immense human suffering, people of faith will often be ridiculed because of their so-called ineffectiveness. Many will say: « If…
Sans franchir la porte on connait l’univers. Sans regarder par la fenêtre on connait la voie du ciel. Plus on va loin, moins on connait. Le saint connait sans voyager,…
Nous sommes ensemble des pèlerins qui, à travers des pays inconnus, se dirigent vers leur patrie. Que pour vous maintenant et à jamais le jour se lève et les ombres…